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Looking for more great pictures from the Twilight movie? Look no further than the Twilight 2009 Calendar at Borders. The 16 month calendar features Edward, Bella, and other Twilight movie characters. Here’s an example of one of the months:
The Twilight Calendar is a Borders exclusive and is available for $13.99. The Borders website says that the calendar ships within two weeks.
Edited: The Twilight Calendar is no longer available at Borders. However, you can get it on either Amazon or eBay:
Update on 2-17-09: now has a Twilight Calendar that is for both 2009 and 2010. It is available immediately for $17.00. Click here to learn more about the Twilight Calendar.
Update on 2-23-09: You can now get a new Twilight Calendar from Borders for July 2009 through December 2010. Click here to see the Borders Exclusive Twilight Calendar.
ur books r awesome i bet ur movie(s) r gonna be cool!
i love your books..they are so uberly awesome.
I love the books
Edward is hot and nice
edward is sex on legs lucky her
yalll are barely finding out about him he has been in the fourth harry potter movie and little ashes
i love edward cullen!!
I love Edward Cullen! SO MUCH!! He is nice, and he is really HOT! And he looks after Bella SO well! I want an Edward Cullen for Christmas! I love Stephenie Meyer, and I am SO greatful that she had that dream of the scene in the medow, or else the whole series would not exist, and I dont know what I would have in life… LOL!
I love the twilight series so much…i cant wait for the movie. Thank god for Stephanie Meyer!
I Love Twilight I thought it was such an amazing book. I read it for two straight days and I was done with it I will going to see the movie with my BF and I will absoutly love it as well.
OMG!!!!!!!! Can’t wait to see the movie i love bella super cool!!!! tell u guys all about it lata
I hope,Twilight Film comming soon to indonesia!!
I like Edward Cullen..
omg i love the twilight sereies and i won’t stop liking it just because everyone else does its not fair to stephanie meyer and i hope she has a ton of success i love the book its like sacred to me:>
OMG! im like a twilight but i really love it cuz of Rob. Pattinson < 3
Last week, I was really close to Robert patinson but stupid me! I didnt even know it was him!!!!!! 🙁
…………I hate myself………………………
I love the Twilight series! I told everyone I know about it, and I started an epidemic of Twilighters! I saw the movie, and LOVED it, even if it wasn’t 100% like the book. Which I knew it wasn’t gonna be, but I was optimistic about it anyways (even though I’m quite pessimistic myself). I LOVE EDWARD CULLEN!!!
dear santa,
I want edward cullen for x-mas I’ve been good this year:0)
i’m italian.. how can i buy this calendar??? it is so beautiful!!!!
does it sold in Indonesia? X(
i loved the books and the movis. only i didn’t think the person chosen for jacob was right but i love EDWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg he’s hot and bella is soo pretty. and edward sparkles….
we LOVE!!!!!! Edward cullen!!!
we want him for xmas!
we have been gd all year and now we want to be BAD!!!;)
i hated the movie the book was so good it cant campare the only reason that so many poeple like it is because edward looked so HOT ! if you liked the movie you need help. it was only ok but i herd that new moon will be much better^_^!
omg i love the books and the movie!!!!!! they are amazing!!! i wish i could watch it over and over!!!
why bother…edward isn’t real. so STOP talking about him! please. how can he be really whenit was froma dream. yes….i adore edward and i reall wish that i was bella. but it’s not real!!!! it makes me cry. i wish i didn’t read the book. i am sorry about this
omg omg twilight is the best movie ever and trust me i no it is .me and my 2 best friends what togater to see it… edward is soooooo cute♥♥
Twilight is the best movie i’ve ever seen…and those books are really interesting and lovely…i couldn’t stop of redaing them:X:X:X and i really like the character edward cullen8->and the actor is so cute:”>..i think i made an obsession for him=))
lyke omg i luv twilight sooooo much becuz i have no lyfe and i talk lyke a retard….edward cullen is real and i dont care who sez im stupid for obsesing over a fictiunal character its stupid n u just dont get me cuz twilight is the best book evar, even better then tha bible n stuff. omg!!!!!!!!!
It’s so good.
I love twilight.
Oh my good i live the move im going to see it for the 3rd time. Edward Cullen is the sweetest vampire in the world he is so cute i love it how he is so pertective of Bella Swan. I also love bella she has the best attatude. I LOVE EDWARD CULLEN
my favoritee part is when edward tells bellla”Better hold on tight spiddaa monkeyy!
<33 ahh edwardd is likee sexx in my mouthh
Hey!! Books are so awsome…I read them all and just can’t stop reading them!! I’ve also seen the movie and it’s absolutley the best even though I enjoyed much more reading the book!! Can’t wait to other movies from Twilight series if they are going to be filmed..
i loved the series and i’m goin2 see the movie for the third time 2moz night….. cant wait for the next movie, the ending of breaking dawn is so good leaves it open for another and another…hopefully….. come on steph get writing……. rob pattinson is so damn sexy……
I think it’s insanely crazy how high the prize of the borders calendar is… I want to have it, but if the prize is already $80 and I have to pay shipping for, like, $18… that’s mad!
If anyone can tell me where I can buy this item less expensive… please let me know!
Es el mejor libro que lei en toda mi vida -…
amo twilight
I love twilight I cant stop reading the books I hope stephine continues on with the books i liked the movie it was great!! but i liked the books better they skiped alot of important stuff !! cant wait for the next movie !! love ya !!!!
io amo twilight cosa farei e darei per conoscere i personaggi …
I love sooooo much this movie and the books!!!!
I’m from germany and I can stop reading I hope there comes the next movie!!!!!
Borders is sold out and its $90 at….WTF?!?!? and its a limited release…is that not the dumbest idea? why not print like millions of them? people would def buy them! UGHHHH
I have to agree with sarahlove. They should just print and sell the calandars like they always do. I just saw the $90…… that sucks!!!
I just purchased some from ebay and did a few research prior. It’s running around $60 or less. you should check it out. I know some sellers definitely less than $18 for international shipping.
I love the movie. Even if it’s not like the book that much.. I SO want this calander!! It looks awesome!
After having read Twilight, the movie seems really rushed through. But when you think about it, all movie scenes are pretty short like in Twilight. 😉
I LOVE JASPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33 Carlisle is SOOO handsome!!! <3 ! And Alice is the best!! 😀 I wish i was Alice so i could be with Jasper <33! He’s so adorable!!
Well i’ve had my little hypo moment, so i suppose that’s it ;D
Love you Stephenie Meyer!! xD
OMG i love the books and the movie…Rob is soooo cute!!!!!
no one said anything about ALice…she is the best ever…ALICE KICKS ASS!!!
hi can you send me the calendar 4 free? PLEASE!?????
I fancied my pants of him since Harry Potter…lol…
i love robert pattinson and i love edward cullen….they are two fantastic boys!!!!…i am italian and i not write very mutch english….IO AMO IL MONDO DI TWILIGHT, NEW MOON , ECLIPSE E BREAKING DAWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cant believe some people actualy hate the twilight movie, and books, they are the biggest freaks on earth and beyond.
I am trully and deeply in love with Edward Cullen, how can anybody not be???!!!!!
I hate Jacob! Hes getting in the way of Bella and Edwards relationship, ( I havent finished the fourth book yet so i dont know if he gets over Bella or not, hopefuly he will). Girls in my class think im crazy for liking Edward, I think they are crazy for not!
The books make me cry.Why cant boys be like Him???!!! They are all JERKSSSSS
Did you know there is a fifth book coming out sooon !!!!! CANT WAIT!!!