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Looking for Twilight jewelry? I have found the ultimate set! The pieces are based on the Cullen family as depicted in the Twilight Movie. Amazon has an exclusive offer for the Twilight Limited Edition Official Complete Jewelry Set of the Cullen Family. The set includes the following: Edward’s Wristcuff, Alice’s Choker, Rosalie’s Necklace, Esme’s Bracelet, and Carlisle’s Ring. Each bears the Cullen Crest. The entire set sells for $99.99 with free shipping and will be released on November 30.
The Cullen Family Jewelry pieces can also be purchased individually. These are actually available and in stock right now:
Twilight “Esme’s Bracelet” Replica Jewelry
Twilight “Rosalie’s Necklace” Replica Jewelry
Twilight “Alice’s Choker” Replica Jewelry
Twilight “Edward’s Wristcuff” Replica Jewelry
For some reason, they do not have Carlisle’s ring for sale separately. I’ll keep my eyes open for it. Each piece sells for $20 separately. So the only reason to buy the whole set would be if you want Carlisle’s ring or if you want the special box that the set comes in.
I saw the actual picture of the product on ebay (Rosalie’s Necklace) and it’s not as nice as it looks on the picture…
does emmett and jasper not have eny thing
Emmett and Jasper also wear the leather cuff in the movie.
Why is Rosalies’ necklace way more exspensive than the whole gift set itself?
Are they different?
how many wwill b sold
Ok, I take back what I’ve said before!
I just bought a Cullen Crest (Rosalie’s) at Hottopic and it looks absolutely gorgeous! It’s only 19.99 and I didn’t have to pay for shipping. It’s perfect in every way and I’m pretty much obsessed with it! I get to wear for the midnight premiere!! Yay!!
To Mandii:
I think it’s like that because it’s sold out, or almost. The prices goes really high the less of supply they have. I suggest just looking for a crest at Hottopic near you, or something. It’s the same exact thing, and same price when they weren’t sold out yet, which was 19.99.
where is carlilse’s ring?
OME. I’m a seriously hyperventilating right now!!! i love the books and movie, but i didn’t know where i could get the collectables, so now i know!!!! only problem is, i live in CANADA.
i love the necklace alice has but why don’t they have jasper or emmets wrist cuff maybe it’s because it’s the same as edwards anyway it’s not fair i live in northern ireland so i can’t get one:(
oh well maybe i’ll get one on ebay.
oh by the way whats midnight sun?
To Gemma
Midnight Sun is acutally a manuscript that SM began writing – but stopped when it was leaked to the internet. It is “Twilight” – written from Edwards point of view. You can read the first 13 chapters on her website:
Where’s Carlisle’s ring?????!!!! I need it! I have Edward’s cuff, Rosalie’s necklace, Alice’s choker, and Esme’s bracelet! I NEED THE RING!!
so is there any one making the braclet that jacob gave her in eclips with the carved wooden pendent and the daimond heart, or at least the lesser coast of a crystal
Absolutely! Check out the links on this page:
Hi! I can not ship this item to Romania. How can I get it?
Hello! Any answer to my previous question??
you know what is funny…. people going crazy over twilight like my friend she is soooo crazy over JASPER like i mean CRAZY n/o to her! i am also a twilight fan but i am not crazy over it like i have read the books but i borred them from my bff’s and i can wait for the movie like other people and are dieing to see new moon lol but it is funny her you look at it… i mean accualy think how people go crazy over it AND wast all there moneypluse i am single…lol jk any way ya it it funny! like i mean MONEY WASTERS!! n/o.