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I finally saw the movie today and have to say that I didn’t notice any of the “official” looking Cullen Crest jewelry in the film. But I did notice some of the other jewelry that the characters were wearing and started searching around a bit. Here are a few pieces of unofficial Twilight Jewelry that would make great gifts for true fans of the movie.
The turquoise cuff that Bella was wearing:
Alice’s oversized Mother of Pearl ring:
Rosalie’s Earrings:
Keep in mind that this is not official replica jewelry. But it is from an awesome site called Emitations that makes affordable but high quality jewelry modeled after jewelry from movies and celebrities. Emitations has a whole page of Twilight-inspired jewelry that you should check out. Their site says that Bella’s bracelet will be coming soon. You can use code AF050 to get free shipping through the end of this year.
i saw the movie last night and all of the cullens are wearing the jewelry. edward has a sweat band that he always wears and rosalie has a necklace.
what about the ring Bella (Kristen Stewart) wears throughout the whole movie? It’s simple but really pretty.
Corina from Emitations here…thanks for showing our jewelry! We just wanted to let all the fans know that we have Bella’s charm bracelet, a “Team Edward” bracelet, and a “Team Jacob” bracelet available for purchase now! Also, we have a couple different rings on our Twilight inspired jewelry page that look very similar to the one Bella wears in the movie. Here’s the link:!
how come no one has Alice’s necklace I cant find it!
Someone should make a shop full of twilight merchendise bet ya it would be a great shop it should also be in Australia, America, Europe and Asia it should have all of the people from twilight’s clothing and jewlery and wigs( may be not wigs but it is an idea) and posters the movies and book to! I’d visit it nearly every day!