Twilight Fans! Find the best Twilight merchandise, collectibles, clothes, jewelry, and more. Disclosure: We make a commission off of some of the links.
Some of you have posted in the comments that you would love to get your hands on the Twilight books and music but cannot afford to pay full price. Getting on the lists at libraries doesn’t help because the lists are so long. I’ve been getting the Harry Potter books at my local Half Price Bookstore, but the Twilight books are always sold out. So I found a good alternative–! It’s an ebay-owned company, so it is totally legitimate.
Twilight the book sells starting at $3.70 used. For that price, you could get the entire Twilight Saga for about $15! They also carry the Twilight audiobooks as well as the Twilight movie soundtrack. You can even get Twilight: The Complete Illustrated Movie Companion for a bargain.
So if you are looking for any of the Twilight books, audiobooks, or movies cheap and don’t mind getting them used, click here to see the selection at
these books r so awsome they r so adictive i read all of them i 5 days (one at a time).they have changed me so much they r my fav books that i have ever read and i dont read a lot of books
I agree. With you they are so amazing:). I enjoy them alot i have already read the books and now im reading them again. Its almost like a drug. Haha, Drug to me.
omg i watched the twilight movie at least 50 times its the best movie of all time can’t wait till november 20 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love the Twilight books and the movie. I have only read two of the books though. I cannot seem to find anywhere cheap to buy them all.
i love twilight !
new moon comes out 364 days after Twilight
twilight is the best!!!!! i love wolves<3
love twilight!! team edward!
omggg its like 2012 and ilove the twilight saga and i cant wait till november 19,2012 cuz breaking dawn part too is comming out in therters and im sooo exicted