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The bracelets at Emitations have become some of the biggest sellers at BuyTwilightStuff. I’m happy to report that I have a couple of coupons that you can use to buy these, including an exclusive coupon!
If you haven’t yet seen the bracelets, here is what they have:
The first is the traditional Bella Bracelet from Eclipse with charms of a CZ heart and a wolf.
The second is the Team Jacob Bracelet, which has the wolf charm as well as a sun charm with tribal markings in the middle.
The final bracelet is a Team Edward Bracelet with has the CZ heart as well as an apple charm with pave CZs.
You can click on any of the bracelets above to go directly to them. Or click here to see all of the Twilight inspired jewelry at Emitations. And use any of the following codes to save yourself some money:
Code AFMJ7 $7 off $80 purchase or more
Code AFMJ8 8% off $30 purchase or more
ahh! gooodd! i want the edward/jacob one soooo baddd!
i want the jacob one!!!! ahhhh!!!! 😀
I want the edward one so I can give it to my friend bella
i love the edward one. i love it!
Hey, I saw a bracelet at Hot Topic a month ago. It was similar to Edwards wrist cuff with the Cullen crest on it, only instead of the leather cuff, it was a silver half-moon type bracelet. However, when I went back today to buy it, they no longer had it and it isn’t even on their website. Anyone have any idea where I can find it?
omg i want the bella and edward braclet soooooo bad!!!!!!! EDWARD IS HOT !!!!!!!!!!!!
where do ppl sell these except online? cuz i cant order online! any1? email me at
Edwerds is so hot I Gust love it he is thebest ever. Iv alest woch the move 57-60 times ollredey. Jacob is GAY!!!!!