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Brand new items from Things From Another World (! Check out this set of two Twilight dolls. Edward and Bella are modeled after the actors in the Twilight Movie (Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart).
I had seen Edward Cullen Action Figures before, but this is the first that I have seen that you can order both Edward and Bella. Not much information is available yet except this from the TFAW site:
“The Twilight Edward Cullen and Bella Swan Action Figure 2-Pack lets you bring your favorite film characters into your home!
Stephenie Meyer’s best-selling Twilight book series is now a major motion picture, and here are Edward Cullen and Bella, together as they were meant to be! Each figure stands between 6-1/4″ and 6-3/4″ tall and features realistic likenesses. The figures are poseable and highly detailed.”
The best part is that you can pre-order the set for only $27.99! Check out Edward and Bella at
OMG!!!!! These dolls are really scary!!!!! They sell the Edward one at some Chapter locations. But they are really CREEPY looking!!!!!
They’re really weird!I still want one though…
I loved the Twilight movie when I first saw it I fell in love with Edward it is so cool because Edward is so Sexy!!!
hey i think this isreally cool. and i hope u get this. see u later. bye………………………..
our daughter is determined to have a Twilight book bag and the entire selection.
Can you help — will these items be available at Walmart as the new school year gets closer.
i think they’re kinda creepy but if u made 1 of all the main charaters they would be like collectibles i wouldn’t buy 1 until there are allot of them though then i will