Twilight Fans! Find the best Twilight merchandise, collectibles, clothes, jewelry, and more. Disclosure: We make a commission off of some of the links.
While we wait for New Moon merchandise, I figured I would go out and find some good fan-made merchandise that would fit New Moon. Here’s a really cute shirt from Cafe Press:
If you find yourself feeling a little Team Edward and a little Team Jacob, why not be both? This Edwards AND Jacob t-shirt at CafePress sells for $23.99. But you can have the same pattern put on just about anything–different types of t-shirts, buttons, bags, etc. It’s a great way to show your team spirit!
Edited: New Team Edward and Team Jacob shirts are popping up all over the place! Here are a few of our favorite places to get them:
CafePress: CafePress now has some officially licensed New Moon clothes but they are still one of our favorites for fan made Team Edward and Team Jacob shirts. Customize by color and size. (International shipping as well!) Click here for Team Jacob or Click here for Team Edward.
Hot Topic: Hot Topic has the biggest selection of official New Moon merchandise. You’ll find mainly logo items here as well as movie replicas and items with the images of the characters from the movies.
Nordstrom: Nordstrom recently released an entire Twilight Saga New Moon collection. It’s a little bit more upscale than what you will find at some of the other places but not too expensive considering it is officially licensed merchandise. Similar to CafePress, you can customize shirts in different styles, sizes, and colors. Look specifically for their vampire and werewolf shirts and you will find the Team Edward and Team Jacob.
Zazzle: Some cute shirts here that are also customizable. They frequently run coupons and shipping specials.
is there going to be any more twilight series
if there is any more twilight series are you and Kristen going to be in it.
you were good in twilight.
Rob I am going to go watch twilight again.
omg i luv jacob! TEAM JACOB!!! (and a little bit edward…)
Right… first things first. ROBERT IS MINE…. secondly JACOB IS SOPHIES! ok no questions asked. I love himm, im like soooo obsessed… no I’m ROBSESSED… i am gunna marry rob… and live happily ever after.. cos i love him… and hate kristen… LOTS OF LOVE.. BEA PATTINSON X
Right… first things first. ROBERT IS MINE…. secondly JACOB IS SOPHIES! ok no questions asked. I love himm, im like soooo obsessed… no I’m ROBSESSED… i am gunna marry rob… and live happily ever after.. cos i love him… and hate kristen… LOTS OF LOVE.. BEA PATTINSON X x
I watched it …all alone with Jacob… under the light of the new moon. It was way beyond awesom, virtually indescribable and the most incredible time of my life!
i luv jacob TEAM JACOB all day
i luv jacob TEAM JACOB all day
Go Jacob!!!!! Wooo-Hooo!!! Team Jake((:
(and Edward)
But Sorry Guys, REAL Men Don’t Sparkle(;
your all so sadd….
eventouh we love twilight
your all so sadd….
eventouh we love twilight
hmmmm jacob! ♥
Jacob is so cute
I was sick one day and i stayed home from school and i watched twilight all day untill on demand wouldnt let me watch it any more!!!!Thats what you call a twilight attic!!!
I wonder who lovas Jacob the most?.?
edward cullan is so sexy
go twilight…………………………….
i love him more then anyone i got bed sheets pillows stikers posters guitar huge painted piture of him my aunt knows a guy that knows how to paint i got pencils books bookbag folder binder dolls shirts sweater pants panties window sheets pictures lamps 3 purses tattoos socks birthday cakes only had him on it
i love jacob more
my birthday passed and guess who came to it JACOB MY BABY i told him to take off his shirt and i touched his 6 pack to get him to come to my birthday it was $1,058
One word for y’all ………… MINE ;D x
I would defo go for Edward he is dead gorgeous I love him<3 Go Edward
TEAM JACOB ALL THE WAY! He’s mine so everyone else back off! <3<3 lolz
TEAM JACOB ALL THE WAY! He’s mine so everyone else back off! <3<3<3 lolz
i am team jacon im sorry real men dont sparkle! i love jacob i have jacob everything i am sat looking at my jacob laptop cover!
btw my last name IS lautner (if i can believe it it is) lolz
i juist wanna say 1st Mrs. Black jacob black is not real plus ily u taylor me and my mum both think ur FIT soo thats got 2 say somthing !! lolz and me and my friends argue who is more fit u or edward but i say u … GOOO TEAM JACOB or TAYLOR LAUNTER!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx