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We were fortunate enough to get some new images of the Twilight Barbie Dolls from Entertainment Earth. Check these out and tell us what you think:
There’s a Bella Barbie Doll as well as an Edward Barbie Doll:
These are not the same as the Tonner dolls (very expensive!) or the Twilight action figures. In our opinion, they are based more on the descriptions of the characters and less on Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson. They are available for pre-order right now and will ship in November. Check out Entertainment Earth for more information. (While you are there, look for Twilight Scene-It!)
I don’t know how well these will go over with the Twilight fans, they have grown quite attached to Kirsten & Rob, so they may see this as just a blah-type of product. At least they will hopefully be cheaper than the Tonner dolls. At least we know why Barbie never ages…she must have met Edward years ago! ;P