Twilight Fans! Find the best Twilight merchandise, collectibles, clothes, jewelry, and more. Disclosure: We make a commission off of some of the links.
I’ve been seeing a lot of unique Twilight merchandise popping up on eBay lately. Whether you are looking for official Twilight merchandise or fan-made Twilight merchandise, eBay has it all. In fact, when I do a search right now on eBay for Twilight, I am finding over 14,000 items!!
Have you ever used eBay before? If not, it’s a great time to sign up. It’s completely free to join and place bids. If you win, you can usually use Paypal or credit cards to pay for your merchandise. Some sellers will even take checks. Just be sure to read the rules of each particular auction. Right now I am seeing Twilight items with NO BIDS YET!!
So what you can you find on eBay? Everything from Twilight jewelry to shirts to bookmarks to posters. Plus stranger items like mosaics and Italian charm watches.
All in all, I think that the selection of Twilight merchandise on eBay is better than anywhere else. Some of the items are sold out in other places (like the Twilight perfume) and some of the items are not even sold anywhere else (like the Twilight party favors). Some of the items are official Twilight merchandise and some are not. It’s a great option for Twilight fans.
Here are just a handful of the auctions ending soon when I specifically search for “Twilight New Moon” items:
Yes, there is alot on ebay, however, watch out for fake stuff pretending to be real. There are no offical new moon trading cards out yet except the ones from ComicCon. There’s been alot of sellers selling cards for alot of money that they made at home. You’ll notice they are only scenes from the offical trailer. Buyer Beware!