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As I’m sure you have noticed, the Twilight Saga books are not cheap. However, if you are an avid reader you can get them for less than a dollar each if you join the Doubleday Book Club.
What’s really awesome is that they not only have Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn but they also have the Twilight: Complete Illustrated Movie Companion and New Moon: Complete Illustrated Movie Companion. So you could get either of those for less than a dollar as well. They also have the unofficial Twilight Companion.
Right now they are running a special where you can get 4 books for 99 cents plus a free book. You just have to sign up to buy 4 more books at their prices (which are not bad). They have related books like Harry Potter, The Host, and the Sookie Stackhouse novels. Click here to check out the special deal and see how you can get a Twilight book free!
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