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CafePress is offering free Twilight New Moon Stickers! All that you have to do is visit their special New Moon site and type in the code FreeNewMoon. It will then add either a Team Edward or Team Jacob (your choice) sticker pack to your cart. You do have to pay shipping and handling, but it is only $1.25. I believe this is the same promotion as the CafePress New Moon Burger King promotion.
While you are there, check out their collection of Twilight New Moon customized items. I love their t-shirts! You can get them with images or text and can customize them according to the sizes and colors that you want. Definitely a great time to pick up something special for all of the Twilight fans on your shopping list.
Click here to see the special page for the free Twilight stickers.
twilight and breaking dawn are my favs i cant decide which.i am so in love with edward cullen.
Twilight and Breaking Dawn are my favs, I cant decide which. I am so in LOVE with Edward Cullen !
i just want to be able to meet this very dreamt charecter tbh……….xxxxx EDWARD EDWARD EDWARD………X
Hi guys,
My birthday 19 birthday new moon twilight stuff
I love it new moon twilight
Hi guys,
My birthday 19 new moon twilight stuff
I love it new moon twilight movie
I fuckin am Edward cullen’s wife