Twilight Fans! Find the best Twilight merchandise, collectibles, clothes, jewelry, and more. Disclosure: We make a commission off of some of the links.
Do you know a Twilight fan who is BOTH Team Edward and Team Jacob? After seeing New Moon, it’s easy to understand why. And I have a feeling that Eclipse in June is going to make it even worse!
Hot Topic has a new bag that is for those Twilight fans who can’t decide. The Twilight New Moon Team Edward Team Jacob Reversible Bag “features a Team Edward-themed print on one side with blue filigree and a Team Jacob-themed print on the other with brown filigree.” Opposite each side is the word Twilight.
Twilight items on Hot Topic seem to sell out a month or so after the movies come out, so now would be a great time to pick up this bag and maybe even put it away until Eclipse comes out. Click here to see pictures of both the Team Edward side and the Team Jacob side.
o my gosh all of this stuff make me freak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i am the 1 fan of twilight and edward and jacob and emmet and bella and rosalie and alice all those people out there that r chatin i am the 1 fan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love macenzi p.s. i am not gay anyway i dont love you guys i love edward and emmet and jacob 2
omg i love this stuff but ive got a sighned script from the whole cast top that
I would luv 2 buy all of dis stuff
I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee paul 4 eva
Omg I Love This I Love Twilight ,NewMoon,Eclipes And BreakingDawn New moons My Fav!. i Love Jacob He’s a Hottie! Im The #1 Fan Of Twilight! AnyyWayy Bye!
i lurve taylor/jacob and edward !!!!!xxx lookin 4ward to eclipse wen it comes outxx