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With anticipation building over the release of Twilight Saga Eclipse, designers are now coming out with some cute Twilight Eclipse shirts. Here are just a few that I found at CafePress. Most of them are designed by fans, but they do also have some that are official Twilight merchandise.
A shirt with a picture of Bella’s bracelet from Jacob (and Edward). It has an image of a wolf as well as the diamond/crystal heart.
A shirt that is both Team Edward and Team Jacob (which is easy to be in Eclipse!) Why choose one of them when you can be a fan of both of them?
This shirt is basically taken from the poster for the Eclipse movie. It features Bella, Edward, and Jacob in their usual “love triangle.” They also have shirts with individual characters if you like one more than another.
You can have most of these made into short sleeve shirts or long sleeve and in different colors and sizes– pretty much personalize them any way that you want! There are hundreds of different images and expressions including those for Alice, the Volturi, the Wolf Pack, and even the Newborns. One of my favorite things about CafePress is that your shirts reflect YOU and do not look the same as the ones that everyone else is wearing. I have one that says “Imprinted” and one that says “Isle Esme” and people are always asking me where I got them.
Click here to check out all of the Twilight Eclipse Shirts at CafePress and start wearing yours before everyone else gets theirs. You can also find some really cute Eclipse merchandise (including shirts) at Hot Topic right now.
After the success of the film, shirt designers are now coming out with some cute Twilight Eclipse shirts.
I really like the tick box t-shirt. I’m looking forward to seeing the t-shirt designs for Breaking Dawn once that’s released.