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Did you see our Twilight jewelry video? Are you a Twilight fan who would love to win Bella’s Ring? Emitations has released its version of Bella’s Ring from Twilight, and Buy Twilight Stuff has partnered with them to give one away.
Inspired by Twilight Engagement Ring: Bella’s Wedding Ring – Gold. Eclipse describes Bella’s ring as “long oval, set with slanting rows of glittering round stones.” It’s a matter of interpretation what that would actually look like, and the visitors at voted this ring as the best replica of that described in the book.
Who is eligible? First, to be eligible, you must be signed up for the Buy Twilight Stuff newsletter (located in the right sidebar). Second, you must be a US resident, age 13 or older. Contest ends at midnight Eastern on June 7, 2010.
How do you enter? Simply leave a comment to this post telling us why you are a fan of Twilight (the books, movies, or both).
Bonus entry 1: Link to this contest from your own blog and leave the link in the comments below.
Bonus entry 2: Tweet about this contest and post your Tweet in the comments below.
Bonus entry 3: Become a Facebook Fan of Buy Twilight Stuff and leave a comment about it below.
Emitations is one of the leading retailers of imitation jewelry and has an amazing collection of jewelry inspired by Twilight, including Twilight charm bracelets, Twilight charm necklaces, Bella’s Turquoise Cuff Bracelet, Bella’s Moonstone Ring, and a Ruby CZ Apple necklace and earrings. They ship to over 80 countries.Β Click here to see the entire Emitations Twilight collection.
I realy love the twilight saga. It helped me get away from my life in a way. I also like it because the chacters are so relateable to normal people. I think that we all could relate to edward bella and jacob. Plus all the other people in the seies. Please it would mean the world if i won this. Thank you,
I absolutely fell in love with the books as well as the movies. Everything about it just kept me so interested and always wanting more. My favorite character is Bella because even though she knows what Edward and Jacob are she still intends on putting her life in danger just to have a connection with both of them. She has love for them both, and I think everyone understood her feelings or has possibly gone through that. I totally love twilight and every single thing about it, especially the JEWELRY!! I really hope that im one of the lucky winners and even if I dont win I’ll always have twilight. Thank you. -Samantha
If I had to choose a piece of twilight jewelry I would choose Bellas Wedding Hair comb. I think it looks so beautiful, and it seems so vital to me. Because this is the biggest thing in the series: Getting married to Edward!! yay! And I cant even begin to describe how beautiful the engagement ring looks, I think it looks so nice in silver. Oh and my size is 9 just in case I win. Hopefully i do. Thank you for reading. Samantha
I love the Twilight Saga. I don’t really know why. Maybe it’d because I just simply find it exciting. Or… well, it may be because I love Jacob so much and when I read it I feel like I’m with him.
Twilight reminds me of first love and the joys and sorrow that comes with it. It was the first time that love impacted the direction of my life.
I think twilight is the best love story ever told. It totally knocked romeo and juliet, and Gone with the wind out of the water. The author really makes you feel like you are there when you are reading the books. I love how everyone in the story’s character is they fit everyone to the T. I love reading mostly about jacob and Bella and even though i wish she would have been with him, I am in love with this series <3 =o)
also i just luv the is so well thought out.i feel like im in a whole new world when im reading the books. It would be pretty awsome to win.ALSO I HAVE A QUESTION IF ANYONE CAN ANSWER:DOES THIS COST MONEY?I MEAN II KNOW IT IS A CONTEST AND ALL BUT I DONT REALLY KNOW. THANKS
I am obssesed w/ twilight plz I would luv to win bellas ring im not just a fan all it think about is twilight if no1 is talkin 2 me im literally watchin the movie in my head im always searchin up her jewelry always searching 4 her clothes I never go on MySpace anymore If im on the Internet all I would be lookn at is twilight Stuff datz ALL im thinkn about i hav read all the books watched the movies.twilight is my life Now i know the moviez top 2 bottom i know the whole casts birthdatez and directorz,editorz,stunt doublez, everyone that has 2 do w/ twilight im begin u let me win bellas ring
I started reading the Twilight Saga while I was collecting jeans after school for the teans4Jeans foundation here in Los Angeles, and when I had a free moment my sister was urging me to read the saga and 20 paged into the series I was hooked. After starting Twilight I was so consumed into the pages that I read the entire series in two weeks. What I loved so much about the series is that Bella stopped doing what was socially acceptable and started following her heart and doing whats right for her, and in a sense I was able to relate to that because I give up alot of my free time and devote myself within a volunteer project. The twilight saga and its characters unfolded a world for me where being who you truly who you are and following your own heart no matter who, or what, you are beautiful and special even when you dont see it in yourself.
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I love the books because they always keep you guessing. you never know whats going to happen next. I also love bellas and edwards relationship. These books makes all girls want to find their edward (or jacob). I love the movies because they put a face to the characters in the books and I think the actors do a really good job in knowing their charcter and devlivering the performance well. The movies are a great visual.
Im a fan of buy twilight stuff on Facebook! π love the site!
I like twilight so much,being a woman of 45 years of age,it brought on the feelings about first love.Its also forbidden,and of course that attracts bella to edward even more,I remember my mom not wanting me to go out with certain guys and that wanted me to do it even more!!Its just a great story of young love and how you would do anything for that person…It is truly a the most romantic movie!!I also like the love triangle,it helps the movie,makes you feel sorry for Jacob but you want her to be with edward,
i love the books and the movies i cant get enough and would to win anything twilight related
I totally love anything TWILIGHT!!! I am a teacher and don’t have alot of time for myself. So twilight is my escape. I really related to Bella and I think thats why I instantly fell in love with this series. It is the ultimate love story.
I love the story, every girl wants to be Bella and and find her Edward. I don’t think you can understand it all by just watching the movies, you get a better view of the way Bella thinks in the books. And I love the rough draft Stephenie wrote from Edward’s point of view. I just think everyone can relate to someone in the story and that makes people comfortable and they enjoy it more.
The books and movies are amazing. As an adult with grown kids, I think it is incredible to see a series have so many young people reading and watching. An all American love story , right up there with romeo and Juliet. In a world so full of pain and suffering its nice to have something to look forward to, like Eclipse. Thanks.
when i first read twilight i found it relaxing and hipnotizing . the more i read it, felt like i was being sucked into the story it self. the books of stphenie meyer are not only the best words that i have ever read but they are the most adverturous, romantic, heart breaking that will send you chills of passion and war weather you are a teen or an adult. as for the movies i must say they did the best job that i had ever seen. i believe that robert pattinson captured the roll of edward cullen perfectly. what i found more interesting is how he was able to go from being Cedric Diggory in harry potter and the goblet of fire to edward cullen in twilight. it was exciting to see a dangrous and hipnotizing side of him. kristen stewart was an excilent choice for bella swan. i found her better in twilight then in her 2002 movie “the panic room.” as for taylor lautner i must say i like him better in twilight then in cheaper by the dozen 2. i like him better in twilight because he can capture the roll of jacob black amazingly. not only was he competative but he can also be romantic and sweet. over all i love both the books and the movies. i cant wait to see twilight eclips and twilight breaking dawn.
I like twilight so much,being a woman of 45 years of age,it brought on the feelings about first love.Its also forbidden,and of course that attracts bella to edward even more,I remember my mom not wanting me to go out with certain guys and that wanted me to do it even more!!Its just a great story of young love and how you would do anything for that person…It is truly a the most romantic movie!!I also like the love triangle,it helps the movie,makes you feel sorry for Jacob but you want her to be with edward,
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i am a fan of the twilight saga because they are not like the typical vampire movies you used to get. i think stephenie meyer has taken vampirism to a whole new level! i really cant wait for eclipse and breaking dawn come out on dvd. they are the best vampire movies i have ever seen.
as soon as i read the books and saw the films i fell completely in love with them. stephenie meyer has put such detail into the books that when you read them you acually feel like you are there with the characters. you actually feel like you know the best people in the world! i think it is amazing what danger bella would put her self in just to be with edward and jacob. my favourite part of the film is………i dont have a favourite part, i love it all!
it would mean so much if i could win bellas ring because it would………. OMG it would just mean so much to me. i mean i have read a lot of books but these are the best ones so far ! i love stephenie meye, thank you so much for these books! π
edward is such a bad boy and i think thats what makes bella want him even more!
I love Twlight!!! My sister first introduced me to the series when they announced they were making the movie. I became a real bonding activity for us. We read all of the books together and talked about them. And we always go to the midnight showing π It’s nice being able to connect with my sister on some level, especially since she is in college and I’m stuck at home. I also love the theme of forbidden love. That’s what pulled me into the books in the first place. I also love the connection with the characters. Alice’s crazy shopping persona definately describes me! I can’t wait for Eclipse to come out so that my sister and I finally get to spend time together with our favorite characters π
I love the Twilight series (both books movies) because being a teenage girl, I can relate to Bella in some ways, so just within that, the story sucks you in and once can’t help but be emotionally attached to her situation. But then there are the fantasy and mythical elements comined in, which make the story far more exciting and provides an escape to this world where people make fun of subjects such as Vampire’s and Werewolves.
i like the simplist to the story. i love the excitetment the storyline all together.
They way they family want to be good and not hurt anyone and the pain they had to go though to keep pepople safe the reset they have to do and they way he didnt want to leave her but had to for her safety. and they way she thought about him when he left and they way she would risk anything to be with him even her life and they way he sayed he didnt like her but wanted to protect her form everything and everyone and i picture me there. t[hey exciement she has and how beautifulk she is and how every one efenes her.
I love twilight becouse they are so easy to read but so exciting at the same time. You never get bord but you don’t have to read them with a disconry in hand. Plus with Edward who couldn’t love them
I love twilight because when I am reading I feel like i am on an adventure and in a new world and I can relate to charcters and after i read the series i just want to keep reading and now i love reading more then i ever did before because of twilight.
I am so excited to see Eclipse!! I took the day off work to see it at least twice opening day!!!
I am 23 years old and although some adults feel the Twilight series is for the “teeny boppers” I firmly disagree. The series is thrilling, heart-stopping, and is relatable to any age group. I must admit I saw “Twilight” and “New Moon” before ever reading the books because I have never been the biggest fan of extracurricular reading, but because of this series my life and my hobbies have changed. I fell in love with the story the very first time I ever saw Twilight and now I have the lines memorized from both movies because I have watched them that many times. The other day I saw the book, Eclipse, and felt compelled to buy it and later that night I began reading it. Needless to say, in four days I bought the rest of the series and read cover to cover. The love story between Bella and Edward is what every girl dreams about at night; the idea of having an eternal love who would spend every moment with you rather than do anything else in the world. Many women can relate to Bella and how she feels, which is one reason I love the books and the movie as well. Another reason I love the books, as well as the movies, is because of the relationship Bella has with Jacob. Every girl goes through life needing a best friend, but most often times that relationship does not end well because one falls in love with the other, but thankfully the ending is a happy one for both of them, and this situation is something I have dealt with personally in my life. I love seeing the “Team Edward” and “Team Jacob” merchandise because it makes me laugh; I feel like Bella and cannot pick a team. Although Jacob feels like Bella picked Edward over him, I believe she did not, her love for Jacob is simply a different kind of love than what Jacob was yearning for. I can relate to Bella’s story in so many ways and that is just one reason why I love, truly love, the Twilight series.
***I am a fan on facebook and commented on this contest post. Also, I made a twitter account just so I could post about this contest to help for my bonus entries and possibility of being chosen.*** (BONUS entry information)
I would be the happiest, most excited woman if I was chosen and would one day soon wear this ring as it is supposed to be worn (marrried to the “love of my existence”). π
I love the Twilight saga! It has become my alternate world, where I prefer to reside. I love the hope of overcoming weaknesses, of loving & being loved, of realizing strengths that need to be believed in to be attain their full potential. I just love it all – the book, the movies, all of it! I think too many people put the emphasis on the vampire/werewolf roles in the movie and to me those are just secondary, just representing problems (very big ones! lol) that have to be overcome. The problems each of us has to overcome in our own lives often seem insurmountable, like the vampire, werewolf, or klutsy, inarticulate girl, in the movie.
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I am a fan of Buy Twilight Stuff on Facebook (Judy Clark Bradley)
when i first read twilight i found it relaxing and hipnotizing . the more i read it, felt like i was being sucked into the story it self. the books of stphenie meyer are not only the best words that i have ever read but they are the most adverturous, romantic, heart breaking that will send you chills of passion and war weather you are a teen or an adult. as for the movies i must say they did the best job that i had ever seen. i believe that robert pattinson captured the roll of edward cullen perfectly. what i found more interesting is how he was able to go from being Cedric Diggory in harry potter and the goblet of fire to edward cullen in twilight. it was exciting to see a dangrous and hipnotizing side of him. kristen stewart was an excilent choice for bella swan. i found her better in twilight then in her 2002 movie βthe panic room.β as for taylor lautner i must say i like him better in twilight then in cheaper by the dozen 2. i like him better in twilight because he can capture the roll of jacob black amazingly. not only was he competative but he can also be romantic and sweet. over all i love both the books and the movies. i cant wait to see twilight eclips and twilight breaking dawn.
I am a twihard because who can’t help falling in love with a story line based on pure unconditional love. To be someone’s whole reason for living and to only want to live for that someone. Soooooooooo romantic, truly breath taking the feeling of being over come by Stephenie Meyer’s words is hitting me all over again! ( and that is what I love about the twilight sage!)
Eclipse is my all time favourite book from the utterly enthrawling Twilight Saga. It encapsulates the reader magnificantly, and I really love the fact that it focuses on the love triangle that is Bella, Edward, Jacob. All of the books have made, me laugh, cry, and go through a huge range of emotions that I didnt think books could make you feel. The films are also amazing and I can sit and watch them without been bored. I can barely contain my excitement for Eclipse to be released and i’m going to te early preview. Even today I was waiting outside the bookstore for it to be opened so that I could buy the short second life of bree tanner. I have already started reading it! The Twilight Saga has kept me entertained for hours, thanks Stephenie Meyer! π xxx
I originally read Twilight because my daughter, Madison, seemed to really like it & I thought it would be a great way to have something in common – to talk about. I couldn’t put the book down. We have gone on to enjoy the movie together – then of course New Moon (book & movie) and now we are anxiously awaiting Eclipse. We have really enjoyed the whole Twilight phenom and I’m greatful for the fun and exciting way to connect with my daughter, which has also gone on to my 2 younger sons, who love the wolves!!!! It’s all GREAT fun!!!!
I love the Twilight saga so much because it represents, for me, the classic story of Romeo and Juliet, just updated and having a new spin put on it…Both the books and movies are great…
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if i would have to pick anything i would want in the twilight saga i would want that gorgeous ring. i love rings to begin with and im a HUGE fan, like i mean crazily obsessed with twilight. i have read the book series atleast 3 times already. I love this book because it actually kind of represents in a way the story romeo and juliet.. young people and the fight for there love. my favorite part about reading the books is imagining how its going to look in the movies and trying to guess whats gonna happen next. i would really love to have this ring and i would be very grateful for it. it would probably be one of my most sentimental things i would have. This twilight saga has really kept me entertained and off my seat. i have had a huge range of emotions while reading this book. its my all time favorite novel. Thank you Stephanie Meyer(:
oh and i dont have twitter or facebook so i couldnt post for the bonus points!
i’ve read the series 27 times, but the first time is when i really fell in love with them. i love the way that stephenie meyer wrote about bella and how clumsy and stuff she is, then how she meets this vampire who is super strong. I;ve seen the movies a thousand times probably and went to see new moon for the advanced screening on november 19th. i was going to see eclipse on the release date, but im on my trip to korea. i’m so excited for breaking dawn, because i really wanna see renessmee. i love twilight!!! team edward btw!
i am a fan of both twilight movies and books. They are awesome and a true love story. its amazing how much u can relate to the story being told and i hope that the story is continued so we can know what happens next, but the series is amazing so if breaking dawn is the end i will be sad but it ends amazing, it would just be nice to see what would happen next it would also be interesting to have different books on each love story with each couple to see how each of them fell in love and everything like bella and edward
heres a link to anyone wanting to enter to win the engagement of bella’s from the twilight saga: eclipse- check it out twilight rocks!
I am a twilight fan of the books and movies. When I first read the books of twilight, I was amazed. Reading the books blew me away. I couldn’t put it down. It was unbelievable. Every word I read, I imagined them in my head. It was like I was there, seeing every moment of it. It took me one whole day to finish the twilight book because I just couldn’t put the book down (like I said earlier). Thats when I became a twlight fan.
After seeing the movie, I became a even more twlight fan. Its incredible. Absolutely amazing. It was just like the book, every little detail.
Im a twilight fan, because of the vampires, the werewolves, the love scenes, everything about twilight. If someone talks bad about twilight, I get upset because thats how much Im a twlight fan. I wont ever stop being one. Theres no way.
I am a huge fan of the Twilight books & movies!! I read all four books in a week and absolutely LOVED them!! I have since read them 5 times & I’m currently reading Eclipse again…my favorite of the series. I am team Edward because he is just unbelievably gorgeous and I love the way he loves Bella…he would do anything for her and it is an epic love story. I can’t wait until the Eclipse movie only 21 more days!!
I became a fan on facebook too!!
I just love the ring. The Twilight Story is just so beautiful, it just makes my heart happy. Its just so moving to see a couple that much in Love. It reminds me of my own marriage, I just couldnt breath with out him. Its an amazing feeling.