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Emitations has 4 really terrific rings that are inspired by Bella’s Engagement Ring from Eclipse. The first two are based only on the description from the book. One is gold and the other is silver to replicate white gold.
Eclipse described that Edward gave Bella the ring that was his mother’s (Elizabeth). ““Nestled into the black satin, Elizabeth Masen’s ring sparkled in the dim light. The face was a long oval, set with slanting rows of glittering round stones. The band was gold — delicate and narrow. The gold made a fragile web around the diamonds.”
The next two were created after the Eclipse movie came out and are made to replicate the one that Bella wears in the movie more than the book. Again, they are available in yellow gold (plated) and a sterling silver that replicates white gold.
The two rings are very similar but definitely different. They range in price right now from $32 to $49.99.
Click here to see all of the Twilight jewelry at Emitations, including all four of the engagement rings above. You can also click below to get a coupon for Emitations and just do a search on their site for Twilight.
While I think both styles are pretty, the top one in no way looks like either the book or movie ring description. It is not a long oval at all.
i like them both!
They are all pretty, but not at all what I pictured according to the description in the book. Have the designers read the book then go back to the drawing board!!