Coupons for Twilight Inspired Bracelets by Emitations

Twilight Fans! Find the best Twilight merchandise, collectibles, clothes, jewelry, and more. Disclosure: We make a commission off of some of the links.The bracelets at Emitations have become some of the biggest sellers at BuyTwilightStuff. I’m happy to report that I have a couple of coupons that you can use to buy these, including an […]

Twilight Collection at Customized Girl

I don’t know about you, but I am getting a little tired of seeing the same Twilight shirts everywhere. So I have been looking for some different designs–particularly ones that none of my friends have. I came across both Team Edward and Team Jacob designs at Customized Girl. Those of you who have read New […]

Keep Warm with Cullen Crest Beanie and Scarf

Looking for some Cullen items to keep you warm this cold winter? Check out the newest items at, the Twilight Cullen Crest Beanie and Twilight Cullen Crest Beanie, Gloves, and Scarf Set. You can’t see it in the picture, but the black beanie has the Twilight logo on the back of it. Prices start […]

Twilight Shirts On Sale at Zazzle

Zazzle is one of our favorite places to buy Twilight shirts because you can customize them in so many ways. One of my favorite shirts (my “Do I Dazzle You” shirt) was actually made there. I also got my “Isle Esme” shirt with the pictures of the little feathers there. If you shop Zazzle between […]