Twilight Saga Volvo Contest

Twilight Fans! Find the best Twilight merchandise, collectibles, clothes, jewelry, and more. Disclosure: We make a commission off of some of the links.Remember the Volvo from the first Twilight book? Volvo is taking advantage of its Twilight connection and has launched a new contest to coincide with The Storytellers: New Voices of the Twilight Saga. […]

New Twilight Movies Announced (Download the Screenplays!)

As we mentioned last fall, The Storytellers: New Voices of Twilight Saga is a project that will allow female writers and directors to turn their Twilight-inspired stories into short movies. The movies will be released through Facebook. The list of the six winning screenplays has now been released. It’s interesting because out of 6 of […]

Twilight Series to Release New Films #TwilightStories

We had a feeling that Lions Gate (which owns Summit) was not going to let Twilight die off after how hugely successful it was. But we figured it would be closer to the 10th anniversary of the first book before we heard anything. Today we are excited to bring you news about a new effort […]

What Year Did You First Read Twilight? Take Our Poll!

It’s hard to believe that the first Twilight book was released almost 9 years ago. Since that time, 3 more novels plus a novella followed it as well as 5 movies, illustrated movie companions, soundtracks, thousands of fan fictions, and more. We’re wondering when CURRENT Twilight fans first read the book. Did you first read […]